

Answers to the most frequently asked questions

Do you need specific information about how we handle your goods and the associated logistics processes? Our FAQ provide answers to a wide variety of questions, especially in regard to the organisational procedures. Feel free to reach out to us if you do not find an answer to your specific concern.
General Questions

Is it necessary to create a reference number before delivering or collecting goods?

We require the lot number for export shipments (unloading and loading).

We require the shipment number from the specific customer for import shipments (customers with their own container).

We need the Saco shipment number for import consignments from Saco Shipping.

How and where is this reference created? 

The reference number can be generated on the following websites:

Which documents and information are required in which cases?

The driver must carry and present the following documents, papers and ID for loading or unloading:

For hazardous goods consignments – export

  • DGD
  • Transport document
  • Driver’s ADR certificate, depending on the consignment
  • Hazardous goods consignments for import collections – Transport document, driver’s ADR
  • certificate, depending on the consignment

For export consignments

  • The driver must present the T1 for T1 consignments
  • The driver must present the custodian receipt if there will be a change in custodian
  • The driver must submit the carnet to us for carnet consignments
  • The driver must present the A09 to us for export collections

For advance notifications:

  • We require the date on which the truck will arrive for advance notification of exports. We need the lot number with the number of packages and weight for each consignment. Also the necessary documents such as DGD and T1 etc.
  • We require the date on which the truck will arrive, its license plate number and the A18 with the reference on the A18 for advance notification of imports. A separate A18 is required for each consignment.
  • We also need the transport document for consignments of hazardous goods.

What must drivers carry for ALL explicit cases as soon as they report to the lifting point for delivery or collection?

The driver must carry and present the following documents, papers and identification for loading or unloading:

  • Hazardous goods consignments for export: DGD
  • Loading of hazardous goods consignments for export: Transport documents; the driver’s ADR certificate is also required, depending on the consignment
  • Hazardous goods consignments for import collections: Transport documents; the driver’s ADR certificate is also required, depending on the consignment
  • Export T1 consignments: The driver must present the T1
  • Change in custodian for exports: The driver must present the custodian certificate

Which procedures should drivers expect once clearance at the lifting point is complete?


  1. The queue number must be displayed visibly in the front windscreen.
  2. The transport vehicle should always proceed gradually into the storage space, if possible.
  3. When the driver arrives at the yellow line in the storage area (at the very front), the pager will beep as soon as we assign the driver to a ramp.
  4. The driver proceeds up to the ramp and then waits for their turn.
  5. Drivers with small loads will be assigned to an express ramp. The driver has the option of unloading the truck themselves to speed up the process.
  6. Once unloading is complete, the driver is given a receipt and can proceed on their way.


  1. The queue number must be displayed visibly in the front windscreen.
  2. The transport vehicle should always proceed gradually into the storage space, if possible.
  3. When the driver arrives at the yellow line in the storage area (at the very front), the pager will beep as soon as we assign the driver to a ramp.
  4. The driver must find a warehouse employee and hand them the consignment papers.
  5. The warehouse employee lays out the goods for the driver.
  6. The driver must load the goods.
  7. The driver must swap Euro pallets.

Which are the most common errors?


  • Failure to observe the loading deadline
  • Driver fails to present the lot number
  • Incorrect lot number is presented
  • Driver is not carrying the right documents (e.g. DGD, T1)
  • T1 is no longer valid


  • Driver is not carrying the A18
  • Reference is missing on the A18
  • A18 has been issued incorrectly
  • A18 is issued for several consignments
  • Consignment was not exempted
  • ATB was not completed before collection
  • Documents were not uploaded completely
  • Driver does not provide the PIN code
  • Other mandatory documents are missing, e.g. the transport document.
  • A DGD is NOT a transport document

Export collection:

  • A09 has been issued incorrectly
  • ATB for customs consignments to be collected has not been completed
  • Driver is not carrying a transport document or an ADR certificate when collecting hazardous goods.

When is it my truck’s turn?

This depends on various factors. It is therefore impossible to provide a general answer to this question. For instance, it depends on the size of the load on the truck in front. Our team will make every effort to get to you as quickly as possible.

How can I make contact regarding checks?

We advise you to reach out to the lifting point by email if you have questions concerning checks. Our team will respond to your enquiries as quickly as possible.

My driver is not receiving the import consignment. Can you tell me why?

We give each driver explicit information if there are problems with a consignment. Therefore, we would ask you to discuss these problems with your driver. Given the large number of drivers arriving each day, it is not possible to provide detailed information about each problem.

Why has my truck been waiting for so long?

Experience has shown that long waiting times are caused by a failure to present the reference. Please make sure that all collection or delivery references are presented in full.

Can my truck skip the queue?

All arriving trucks are dealt with according to their queue number. It is unfortunately not possible to give preferential treatment to individual trucks.

I did not adhere to the loading deadline. Can the consignment still be accepted?

Exceptions are possible. However, you must enquire about them through your customer.

Which other options are available to create a registration?

If you experience difficulties generating your reference number, please send an email to ed.gnikcaphcp@elletsebeh and we will generate the necessary reference number for you.

Who is the right person to contact in which cases for deliveries or collections?

You can send an email to your primary contacts for advance notifications at ed.gnikcaphcp@elletsebeh.

Julia Reuschendorf and Patrick Schulze will be glad to assist at the lifting point if you experience any difficulties.

Our customs department is on hand to assist with customs issues. The best way to reach our customs department is to send an email to ed.gnikcaphcp@lloz.

During which periods can consignments be delivered or collected?

The following rules apply for the delivery of export consignments:

  • Harmless consignments below 15m³: 72 hours
  • Hazardous goods consignments: 24 hours
  • Consignments above 15m³: 24 hours

Collecting export consignments:

  • As soon as the consignment has been placed in storage or the CWR dispatched

Collecting import consignments:

  • As soon as the container has been unloaded

What are the opening times for deliveries and collections?

Export delivery times:
Monday – Friday from 6:00 am to 2:00 pm
(applies also to export collections)

Import collection times:
Monday – Friday from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm

During which times and on which days should increased traffic be expected?

Traffic is highest on Mondays.

When is the loading deadline for my consignment?

If you have three or more lot numbers, please enquire about the loading deadlines by sending an email to ed.gnikcaphcp@elletsebeh.

We advise you to reach out to the lifting point by email if you have questions concerning checks. Our team will respond to your enquiries as quickly as possible.

My truck is registered for side discharge. When will it be dealt with?

We have 43 ramps, but only one for side discharge. There may therefore be longer waiting times for side discharge.
Please bear in mind that we are unable to unload hazardous goods at the side discharge point.

Which other options are available to create a registration?

If you experience difficulties generating your reference number, please send an email to ed.gnikcaphcp@aidni_negnutsielrednos and we will generate the necessary reference number for you.

Who is the right person to contact in which cases for deliveries or collections?

You can send an email to your primary contacts for advance notifications and all kinds of difficulties at ed.gnikcaphcp@eka and ed.gnikcaphcp@ibh.

Our customs department is on hand to assist with customs issues. The best way to reach our customs department is to send an email to ed.gnikcaphcp@lloz.

During which periods can consignments be delivered or collected?

Collecting export consignments:

  • As soon as the consignment has been placed in storage or the CWR dispatched

Collecting import consignments:

  • As soon as the container has been unloaded

What are the opening times for deliveries and collections?

Export delivery times:
Monday – Friday from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm

Import collection times:
Monday – Friday from 6:00 am to 3:00 pm

During which times and on which days should increased traffic be expected?

Traffic is highest on Mondays and Tuesdays.

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