
Your specialists for handling hazardous goods in Hamburg

Your dangerous goods logistics, in safe hands

Not every type of good can simply be packed in a container and dispatched by sea. Take, for example, a highly flammable substance, which can be stored relatively safely in a locked space with suitable safety precautions. But special care must be taken if it requires transport from A to B together with other goods, is moved a lot and is handled by a large number of people. Hazardous goods are therefore defined as container loads that present a risk to living beings and the environment in the course of transport or if handled incorrectly. Our specially trained team of logistics experts would be happy to handle hazardous goods on your behalf.

Safe storage and transport of hazardous goods at the PCH premises

Each container terminal operated by Packing Center Hamburg has its own hazardous goods warehouse. The warehouse for hazardous goods on Wollkämmereistrasse covers approximately 3,850 m² of the terminal and is licensed for the storage of water pollutants according to the Federal Immission Control Act (BISchG). Our employees there are professionals in their field and are constantly receiving further training, for example in operating the CO₂ extinguishing system, which can be used to stop flammable liquids from catching fire.

Intermediate storage for hazardous goods logistics

Hazardous goods legislation governs all rules and regulations for the transport and storage of hazardous goods. It assigns goods to classes, of which we are authorised to place classes 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 9 in intermediate storage at the terminal. These include gases, flammable liquids and solids and oxidising substances. We also store toxic and corrosive substances as well as ‘miscellaneous dangerous substances’.
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Reach out to us!
Whether it is entire containers or general cargo – we handle and store potentially dangerous goods in Hamburg for your forwarder or logistics provider.
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