
Your reliable transshipment warehouse in Hamburg

Goods handling on 110,000 m²
By no means are goods always delivered directly from their point of origin to their destination – in most cases there are numerous intermediate steps, including changes in the means of transport. As a transshipment warehouse at the Port of Hamburg, PCH transfers goods transported by freight forwarder from trucks or rail to seagoing vessels – and vice versa. This involves only brief storage of the goods in our warehouses. Our two logistics terminals on Wollkämmereistrasse and Indiastrasse have a combined space of over 110,000 m² set aside for this purpose.

Our speciality as a transshipment warehouse in Hamburg

We can manage all manner of tasks in the area of goods handling thanks to our first-class team, modern equipment and excellently equipped warehouse facilities

Our specialist fields include:

LCL/FCL container transshipment

Containers are the most important means of transporting goods in sea freight. They come in the two variants Less than Full Container Load (LCL) and Full Container Load (FCL). We take charge of loading for exports and unloading for imports.
To LCL and FCL

Hazardous goods transshipment

The reception, reloading and distribution of goods that may present a danger if handled improperly are among the other services we provide at our transshipment warehouse. We have our own hazardous goods warehouse to deal with these tasks.
To Hazardous goods
We look forward to receiving your enquiry!
As a logistics partner for customers from all over Europe, we take care of your goods at the Port of Hamburg, from seaworthy packing to general cargo loads.
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The benefits of choosing PCH

service und menschlichkeit

Service & the human touch

Goods are our bread and butter in the transshipment warehouse. But it is still people we deal with every day. We therefore place a clear priority on friendly service and personal support.
fachkompetenz und erfahrung

Expertise & experience

We believe it is our duty to ensure that the team possesses extensive expertise and long-standing experience in the handling of all kinds of goods. Our flexibility in overcoming challenges and the determination to prepare bespoke solutions in the interests of our customers merely add the finishing touches.
transparenz und vertrauenswuerdigkeit

Transparency & trustworthiness

Your goods are only your business and the concern of your logistics partners. That is why we guarantee absolute confidentiality and trustworthiness. While we believe that reliability should be self-evident, we still pay attention to transparent and effective communication with our customers.

Various warehouse types to match your requirements

We operate different warehouse types and systems in order to accommodate our customers’ varying requirements in regard to goods storage and transport.
waren in blockstapelung gelagert pch

Block stacking

Block stacking does not require shelves, as the goods are layered in boxes or crates. By storing similar product groups in a row, the right system can ensure the creation – and reorganisation – of simple structures in no time at all.

High-bay warehouse

Even smaller areas can provide plenty of storage space thanks to the option of stacking pallets up to the roof in a high-bay warehouse. And we can access the products at any time due to the outstanding organisational skills of our logistics specialists and our sophisticated IT system.
hochregallager mit vielen waren pch
We get it done!
Packing Center Hamburg offers a wide portfolio of services for loading, unloading and handling goods – learn more about us!
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